The Current Course of Employment in the Financial Services Industry

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Employer talking to the employeeThe developments in digital disrupting technology, like robo-advice, have presently concealed the fact that the financial services industry are essentially a people business. People lead organisations; they are the ones who invest and control they will implement the technology.

Similar to technology, the quality of people makes a massive difference and offers a competing benefit. Whether you are looking for customer service specialists or fund managers during the financial services recruitment, KennedyPearch Consulting Ltd shares how you can hire the best team.  

Concentrate on Developing Employee and Candidate Experience

Nearly 60 per cent of job seekers reveals that they had an unfortunate candidate experience with the company they applied for. Most of them posted their experience on the web that damaged the online reputation of the employer. Make sure to have your HR department check your rating regarding this matter.

Tenure Improvement

The typical tenure for workers, no matter what their age, is only 4.5 years. What’s upsetting is that Millennials resign after only a couple of years. This is the reason why some companies prefer to focus on the older employment market again.

Hiring Older, Younger or a Better Merged Work Force

With the number of years crunched above, the older generation would be the most apparent solution. Although, this will be difficult to integrate because younger managers typically get threatened by the more experienced ones.

Programs who want to implement the solution think that the older generation will be able to teach the younger ones their knowledge, which is crucial in this respect. The problem is, this will be difficult to find or establish, especially for an HR department that is always busy.

With the swelling pace of change in the market today, the least that you want is to waste your money or time. You do not want someone who has an interview system and a good resume but has little substance. 

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